AI in Events
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Virtual Event

Middle East Banking Summit 2021

How we facilitated a holistic hybrid event experience for the 4th edition of The Middle East Banking AI & Analytics Summit

Middle East Banking AI & Analytics Summit 2021 – Hybrid Edition

The banking industry has been pro-active from the start to deal with the challenges thrown by the pandemic. When this culminated into an initiative to bring together 250+ senior level executives and decision makers from the banking and financial industry to adopt and ‘AI-first’ approach, we were entrusted with the task of putting all pieces together through holistic hybrid experiences. As a hybrid event partner our key deliverable was to leverage our platform create a seamless transition of the physical and virtual elements

Creating a seamless experience for the hybrid edition of Middle East Banking AI & Analytics Summit was one-of its kind experience. As a hybrid event partner for one of the most crucial summits of the year, we took care of the minute details in the planning stage itself. We were aware that creation of experiences was not enough and real value creation lies in the seamless transition of offline & virtual elements of the event.

To help the client create conversations and networking opportunities to address their most pressing issues, we leveraged our platform’s real-time collaboration capabilities and further added value with state-of the art booths and an integrated networking center. Over 2 days of extensive deliberation, the event saw an attendance of 250+ senior level executives and decision makers from the banking and financial industry.

More on Virtual Events

  • ClientMiddle East Banking AI & Analytics Summit
  • IndustryBanking and Finance
  • ServicesVirtual Events
  • Target AudienceCIOs, CXOs, Baking & Financial Leaders