AI Agenda Builder

Virtual Trends: What’s In and Out in 2023

Virtual events have evolved tremendously with the passing years. You must have observed that after the pandemic, the landscape of virtual events has transformed drastically. It has brought exciting trends and bid farewell to certain practices.

If you’re curious to learn what’s trending lately in the virtual world and what’s out of trend, here’s the blog for you.

1. Hybrid events for enhanced engagement

Hybrid events have become ideal as they incorporate the best of both worlds: virtual and in-person experiences. It allows you to reach a broader audience and build deeper engagement.

According to Bizzabo, more than 90% of event marketers prefer hybrid events over other events.

2. Immersive experiences

There’s no doubt that since the pandemic, people have gotten bored with the same mundane experiences that virtual platforms offer. It’s more like passively watching a screen with no interactive or immersive environment. However, with immersive experiences such as 3D environments, VR tours, and interactive gamifications, you can host events that will make attendees feel like active participants. Who doesn’t want the attendees to enjoy the lively environment?

3. Sustainable events

With the increasing awareness of climate change, sustainability has become a key trend amongst companies. What could be a better option to minimize the carbon footprint associated with physical gatherings? Sustainable events are the best eco-friendly option.

4. Data analytics tool

Why invest more time into gathering attendee data and then personalizing the virtual events to cater to their needs?

With data analytic tools, you can leverage databases and easily dive into attendees’ behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns. Insights derived from data lead to more informed decisions for future events.

5. Interactive features

Engagement is a paramount factor in virtual events. What could be an option other than leveraging interactive features to boost engagement and get more traction? Interactive features such as Q&A sessions, polls, breakout rooms, virtual lounges, and more foster high interaction, driving in more leads and sales.

What’s Out

1. Interactive features

The medium of one-way communication is fading and blurring with time as more attendees now look up to interactive sessions that offer value and encourage active participation.

2. Static event websites

Basic event websites with static information are becoming obsolete. Modern virtual events demand dynamic, more user-friendly platforms. It offers immersive experiences and makes you feel more connected from the moment any attendee logs in.

3. Length sessions

Often long, monotonous sessions don't work!

It’s wise to make shorter, focused sessions that deliver more condensed and valuable content without overwhelming your attendees.

4. Overwhelming content

Flooding attendees with too much information can become redundant. The new mantra in this changing time is “Quality over Quantity" meaning relevant content that’s tailored to your attendees’ requirements.

It can make them feel more personalized.

5. Generic event promotion 

Generic or One-size-fits-all event promotion is being replaced with personalized, targeted marketing strategies. It resonates better with potential attendees, boosting event attendance and engagement.

Virtual events in 2023 are more about engagement, data insights, sustainability, and interactive features. If you want to stay ahead of this ever-changing game, start embracing these trends and bid farewell to outdated practices. Make your virtual events more impactful, interactive, and future-ready!

